May 16, 2020

Wine Tasting At-Home

Our At-Home Wine Tasting was one of my very favorite date nights that we have ever done! After the first two weeks of quarantine passed, we knew we needed to start getting creative and coming up with fun ideas that we could do at home. This was such a blast that we will for sure be continuing this activity well after quarantine. Such a great way to find new amazing wines!

Part One: Selecting the Wine

  • You both enter the liquor store with a budget of $35.00 (each) and part ways.
  • Each person picks out two wine bottles: one white and one red.
  • The bottles have to be from somewhere unique and both can’t be from the same country.

Part Two: Researching the Wine

We are both pretty big nerds and one of the best parts of wine tastings for us is learning more about where the wines come from and what makes them unique.

Once we got home, we researched our wines to find some fun facts about their wineries, countries and/or the wines themselves.

Part Three: Wine Tasting

The best part! We were cooking dinner the same night, so before we started dinner prep, we began with one wine and took turns working our way through the rest throughout the evening. It worked out so well because it turned out one of my wines worked well as both an apéritif and/or a dessert wine! So, I knew that one should go later in the evening.

See below for the wines we tasted along with our fun facts!

Out of the above, the Lubanzi wine was my absolute favorite! I don’t know when I would have ever tried it if we didn’t have this date night! And it’s now my go-to red wine.

Please let me know if you try this date night and send me your favorites! I love new great wine finds and would love to see what you try.